
Hi friends, TIA Mackenzie Oficial - Mobile is the top Android apps with over 10000 download from Google Play.
This is the popular product of Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie.
APK file size of this app is 4.1M, and we suggest you use the Wi-fi connection when download to save your 3G data. TIA Mackenzie Oficial - Mobile works with Android "4.1" and higher version, so please check your system before install. Of course this is the best apps with average rate point is 3 and 39 of 5 stars rate. You can view the screenshots below for more detail.
Latest update of apps is 2019-04-24, if you have any trouble with TIA Mackenzie Oficial - Mobile, feel free to go Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie website(GO) and contact to developer. We hope you enjoyed this apps and rate it or share with your friends on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.
Thank you and enjoy TIA Mackenzie Oficial - Mobile now with more detail information of this app below

Developer name: Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie

Title: TIA Mackenzie Oficial - Mobile

File Size: 4.1M

TIA Mackenzie Oficial - Mobile

App ID:

Operating System: 4.1

Aplicativo oficial do Mackenzie para acesso às informações acadêmicas.

Nesta versão todos os campi e níveis de ensino estão contemplados (Colégio, Graduação, Pós-Graduação, EaD, Mackenzie Language Center e AEJA).

Versão Beta.

TIA Mackenzie Oficial - Mobile

APK Check: 2019-04-26 04:29:15

Version: 3.0.0

TIA Mackenzie Oficial - Mobile

Version code: 30000


Update Date: 2019-04-24

APK Size: -4301036


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